Vicom has done almost nothing over the past 18 months and hence I believe it is time to do a quick update and see if this is worth adding. For the uninitiated, here’s the original writeup about Vicom, the largest vehicle and industrial inspection company in Singapore:
Vicom, while it is a decent SGD460m market cap company, has no analyst coverage and its published materials for analysis is atrociously lacking. The company only has its annual report and bi-annual earnings update. Meanwhile, the annual report has no Management Discussion & Analysis (MD&A), the most important section of any annual report.
That said, financials are solid:
Simple Financials (Dec 2025 estimate, SGD)
Sales: 120m
Operating Profit (OP): 35m
Net income:30m
FCF: 30m
Debt: -55m, Mkt Cap: 500m
Financial Ratios
ROE: 21% ROIC: 21%
EV/EBITDA: 10.7x (Dec 25)
PER: 16.9x (Dec 25)
Past Margins: OPM 30%
FCF yield 7%
The stock has completely underperformed in 2024. With global stock markets rallying 20-30% and the STI itself going up mid teens, Vicom’s share price has actually gone down since our last review. This post serves to provide an update, redo valuation and decide if we should add.
1. Review
Vicom share price has stagnated primarily because revenue has not grown much since COVID-19 because Singapore’s vehicle population has not grown at all. Thanks to the exorbitant cost of car ownership here. Before the announcement of 20,000 new Certificate of Entitlements (COEs) last week (see video link below), there was no prospect of significantly revenue growth.
To add on the above point, c.50% of Vicom’s revenue comes from vehicle inspection and since the number of vehicles in Singapore is capped by the number of COEs (the certificate that allows for vehicle ownership), there has been no volume growth over the last few years, as mentioned.
For the un-initiated, the price of the COE in Singapore (essentially a piece of paper that the government issues to vehicle owners) is six figures. That’s household’s annual salaries. While goods vehicle like vans, light trucks and lorries have cheaper COEs, they are still crazily expensive which explained the lack of volume growth for vehicles and hence lack of revenue growth for Vicom.
With no volume growth, investors then want price increase. Sadly, Vicom has not raised inspection fees, due to potential far-reaching repercussions. Singaporeans require our vehicles, both passenger cars and goods transport trucks / lorries, for their livelihoods. With COE prices higher than the sky, should Vicom raise inspection fees during election years (i.e. 2025), it would become a major issue for the government in power. And that is a big no-no.
Vicom's inspection fees as per Vicom's website
As such, prices have more or less stayed the same for many years as shown above. The basic inspection fee is SGD68.67, which is cheaper than dinner at Macdonald’s for a large family. This is quite a rarity in Singapore where prices of everything has gone through the roof in recent years.
Electric Vehicles (EVs)
The other risk not discussed in the initial analysis was EVs. While the basic price for inspecting EVs is the same, there are no additional tests required (e.g. emission related) and hence should the number of EVs grow significantly, Vicom’s future revenue growth might be impacted.
Investors' mind are on this issue because many believed Elon Musk and Tesla will take over the world. This is now supercharged with nitro boost with Donald Trump coming back into power. That said, this author believes that EV should not change the picture for Vicom. The main reason that EV penetration will take years, if not decades to play out. Vicom is a steady compounder with strong FCF generation. EV or not, stock price should compound at single digit over time.
Growth Angles
Future single digit growth might be supported by the release of 20,000 new COEs and the remaining non-vehicle testing business in SETSCO, Vicom’s subsidiary doing testing for food, manufacturing and construction materials. The balance between vehicle and non-vehicle testing revenue has underpinned part of Vicom’s steady growth story. This business is featured prominently in its annual report.
Vicom is currently helmed by Mr Sim Wing Yew who has led the firm since 2011. He is supported by a strong and experienced team with varied backgrounds. As expected, a significant number of managers come from the Comfort Delgro Group while others are recruited within Singapore Inc.
The following is an excerpt of the profile of Chairman Dr Tan Kim Siew, who has had a distinguished career spanning the Ministry of Finance, Defence and National Development. Dr Tan undoubtedly provides the oversight for Vicom to continue to perform to shareholders’ expectations.
Dr Tan Kim Siew is the Chairman and Independent Non-Executive Director of VICOM Ltd. He is the Chairman of Nominating and Remuneration Committee and a member of both the Technology Committee and the Sustainability Committee. He is also an Independent Non-Executive Director of SBS Transit Ltd.
Dr Tan is presently a Senior Consultant in the Ministry of Finance. From 2012 to 2014, Dr Tan served as Commissioner of Inland Revenue. Prior to this appointment, Dr Tan was the Permanent Secretary (Defence Development) of the Ministry of Defence from 2003 to 2012. He had also held other appointments in the public service, including Chief Executive Officer of the Urban Redevelopment Authority, Deputy Secretary in the Ministry of Finance and in the Ministry of National Development, Chairman of the Defence Science and Technology Agency, and Chairman of the DSO National Laboratories.
2. Valuation
As Vicom’s business is simply so stable and predictable, there isn’t really much reason the change the numbers in the previous analysis. With FCF and Net Income at SGD30m and applying the same multiples, we get to an average intrinsic value (IV) of c.SGD1.7 which gives c.30% upside if we take the average for the three metrics below. This is lower than the original SGD2.2 IV because we used 25x multiple which on hindsight was probably too high for a single digit compounder.
Vicom has also continued to distribute good dividends as its parentco - Comfort Delgro probably relies on that for its own earnings growth. As such, we should expect Vicom to continue its c.4% dividend yield, which is a good spread vs Singapore’s T-bills at 3% today.
This post does not constitute investment advice and should not be deemed to be an offer to buy or sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy or sell any securities or other financial instruments.